Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Lucifer Rising

There's a strange vibration in the air? It's noticed in the grocery store. Talked about on social media. Dealt with in the streets. "Nothing is Normal any more" is the scuttlebutt we here every day or, " I just want things to go back to the way they used to be"... ad nauseam! This is it though. The culmination of all mankind has done throughout the millennia is coming to a head. Like a boil. 

No matter what side of the political spectrum people may be apart of, they completely reject the opposite side. In the madness of our current time civil discourse has died. The death of civility can only be followed by the fall of civilization itself. As a matter of fact it seems to be teetering now, doesn't it? Almost like the tension is tangible and the slightest misstep will cause our mighty empires to come crashing down around us. It's about time.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Just Another Friday Night Poem About Aliens (Poem by Craig James Ackerman)

 Do aliens get broken hearts?

Do they wallow?

Walking through the halls

of the flying saucers with

their heads hung low.

Counting the tiles and

wondering where she was.

Do they yearn?

Write long winded love letters

and put them in empty beer bottles

that they throw into

collapsing black holes

Stare out the windows 

of the spaceship

forlornly at the stars.

Counting their tear drops in light years and

remembering when they were young 

and the sun was still

a beacon of hope.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Benign State of Evil

The purveyors of evil have coalesced into a wicked empire They wear many hats such as bureaucrat, entertainer, pedophile and sadist. This bubble of bile has risen to the top of our cesspool of a civilization and now reign supreme from their putrid throne. How have the good people of the world allowed this to happen? The short answer is time.

The decades have seen the desensitization of evil through movies, music and art. Just imagine what it would be like for a citizen from the bygone era of the 50's to hear death metal played in their car or watch on their black and white television an episode of game of thrones. It wasn’t that long ago but those things would seem alien to such minds.

Now fast forward to our age in the new millennia and we have rumors of high-ranking politicians torturing small children while practicing satanic rituals. One such story has a prominent politico cutting the face off a little girl only to prance around wearing it during some sick ritual for more power. Is this stuff fiction? Are the victims of such atrocity’s lying? More accurately they would have to be brilliant novelists to come up with some of these stories.

A war is coming and it’s likely that the average citizen is not prepared for the horrors about to be revealed. Maybe that’s why we choose to bury our heads in the sand, we don’t want to know. We do not want our perfectly imperfect worlds to crumble and fall. But ultimately the hell boiling just below the surface will no longer be hidden by our ignorance and naivety. The face of true evil will be exposed and the reality that coddles us now will be seen as the ruse that it is.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Giants and the Bible

 Giants are mentioned several times throughout the Bible, but who were they exactly? Were these giants in fact gigantic or were they of normal size? Where were they located? There are a lot of questions about these giants and a lot about them remains unknown. The article “Giants in the Bible” found on written by Tim Chaffey does an excellent job at explaining when and how giants are referenced in the Bible. Today we are going to talk about just a few of these many instances in hopes of learning more about these giants. 

  Educated guesses have been made suggesting these giants ranged anywhere from 6 feet to over 30 feet tall. So, while all of these people or groups of people are referred to as giants, some may be as tall as people are today. The height of these giants has always been a controversial topic. Experts have ranging opinions on how large these giants were based on different facts and beliefs.

 Let’s start out with the Amorites, a group of mountaineers who resided in Canaan. They were mentioned more than 80 times throughout scripture and were descendants of Canaan, Noah’s grandson. Amos 2:9 describes the Amorites as giants saying, “Yet it was I who destroyed the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the cedars, and he was as strong as the oaks...”. It is these characteristics that leads us to believe that the Amorites were in fact considered to be giants. 

  Rephaim is a term that is used quite frequently to describe giants throughout the Bible. The Nephilim is the earliest mention of giants in the Bible. There is a whole post dedicated to these fallen angels or Nephilim and how they were considered giants already on this blog titled The Patrick Heron Theory. In short, the Nephilim were offspring of the fallen angels who mated with earthly women. The Nephilim were extremely violent giants who eventually got wiped out by the Lord during Noah’s flood. 

 The Anakim are argued to be some of the most commonly known giants in the land of Canaan during Exodus. In the Bible Joshua fought numerous battles with the Anakim and the Amorites. It is explained in Joshua 11:21-22 that Joshua “cut off the Anakim from the mountains:...Joshua utterly destroyed them with their cities. None of the Anakim were left in the land of the children of Israel; they remained only in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod.” This act is what led up to Goliath in the first book of Samuel.

  The final giant we will be discussing here is Goliath. Goliath is one of the most recognized giants in the Bible. He was a Philistine who was eventually killed by David after he was hit with a stone. 1 Samuel 17:4 talks about Goliath saying, “And a champion went out from the camp of the Philistines, named Goliath, from Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span.” Goliath is from Gath, one of the three places where the Anakim remained after Joshua fought them off. It is because of this that Goliath is believed to be a descendant of the Anakim. Six cubits and a span is believed to be around 9’9” but this is debatable depending on who you ask. Now though Goliath is not directly addressed as a giant, there are other factors that lead people to believe he was one. For example, 1 Samuel 17:5-7 says “He had a bronze helmet on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail, and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of bronze. And he had bronze armor on his legs and a bronze javelin between his shoulders. Now the staff of his spear was like a weaver’s beam, and his iron spearhead weighed six hundred shekels; and a shield-bearer went before him.” The weight of his armor alone suggests that Goliath was in fact a giant man. The average man would not have been able to carry all that and fight effectively at the same time. It is said that his coat alone weighed around 125 pounds and that is before all of his other armor and his weapon is added to that.

  These were just a few accounts of giants being mentioned or alluded to in the Bible. While they varied in height and description, they all somehow managed to fall under the same general category and become known as the Biblical giants. While many of them lived near Canaan, they were found numerous places throughout biblical times. 

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Book of Enoch

The book of Enoch can be rather confusing at first glance. In fact, prior to writing this post I didn’t know much about Enoch at all. When learning about and talking about the book a lot of questions arise. Some of these questions include why isn’t Enoch a book in the Bible? Did Enoch actually write the book? Should we Christians believe everything we read in it? Though this book is rather interesting, it is also extremely confusing. After doing some research, I hope I can bring you some clarity and answers to these questions. 
First let’s begin with a brief background on who Enoch was. We know that he was Adam’s great-great-great-great grandson and Noah’s great grandfather. We also know that Enoch’s son was Methuselah who turned out to be the longest living man. Enoch was said to live over 3 centuries and had numerous offspring throughout his life. Enoch went to Heaven without ever actually dying. The only other person in the Bible this has happened to is Elijah. Genesis 5:24 is the point in the Bible where this event takes place. 
The book of Enoch is a collection of several different writings originally written in Ge’ez, although some scholars do argue that it was written in Aramaic first. The YouTube video titled “The Truth About the Book of Enoch” posted by the channel Founded in Truth does a really good job at explaining what the book of Enoch is and what it says. David Wilber, author, speaker and religious teacher explains in the video that the writings found in the book of Enoch are known as pseudepigrapha. Pseudepigrapha is described as “ancient writings that falsely claim authorship by a Biblical character.” 
This means that the book of Enoch was not written by Enoch himself. Wilber knows that Enoch couldn’t have written it because “The book of Enoch makes use of later Biblical writings such as Isaiah and Daniel.” This means that the book of Enoch references events that happened after Enochs life making it impossible for Enoch to have written the book by himself. Wilber further supports this by explaining that Mount Sinai is mentioned by name in the book of Enoch which came way after Enochs time as well.  
The book of Enoch is unique because it gives us a glimpse into the ancient world. The first part of Enoch talks about the fallen angels and watchers in Heaven. The remainder of the book talks about Enoch actually going to Heaven and all he encountered while there. 
The book of Enoch can be described as apocryphal which essentially means it was not inspired by God as other books in the Bible were. Wilber supports this statement by saying “The Messiah did not consider the book of Enoch to be inspired scripture.” Wilber also explains that the teachings explained in Enoch are in direct conflict with those taught in the Bible. The book of Enoch quite literally taught of a false messiah. As mentioned before, throughout Enoch it is explained that Enoch was taken into Heaven and shown many visions about the messiah who is yet to come. The author of Enoch writes about how this future messiah will fulfill the prophecies 
found throughout the Bible. It isn’t until later in the writings that it is revealed that the future messiah talked about is Enoch. The book of Enoch essentially teaches that Enoch himself is the light of the world prophesied throughout scripture and not Jesus which is contrary to everything the Bible says. Therefore, Enoch is not included as a book in the Bible. 
The book of Enoch is referenced a few times throughout the book of Jude, but that does not mean that Enoch is considered scripture as bible authors have quoted non inspired sources several times throughout the Bible. Wilber supports this statement by talking about how Paul quoted Greek poems in Acts 17:28. “The Biblical authors quoted extra-Biblical material that was meaningful to their contemporary audience.” Quoting non-Biblical material was merely a teaching tactic or a way to get readers to better resonate with what is being taught. Non-Biblical material may also be quoted because they might align with Biblical values, but that still does not mean they are inspired. 
To sum it all up, Wilber explains that “The book of Enoch is tremendously valuable if you are interested in learning more about the different beliefs and ideas floating around the Judaism’s of the second temple era.” The book of Enoch is not considered scripture and was not inspired by God. Enoch is one of those books that you can sit and analyze for hours and still pick up on new things each time you go over it. Though Enoch wasn’t directly talked about in the Bible frequently, he did play a part in Christianity and his famous Biblical lineage will always be remembered. 
The book of Enoch has always been and will continue to be a controversial one. While the formal answer for why this book wasn’t included in the Bible is that Jesus and the apostles never called it scripture, others believe it was excluded for different reasons. Some argue that the church decided to exclude the book to cover up historical truth such as the Nephilim and giants spoken of throughout Enoch. We may never get all the answers to our questions about this unique book, but that doesn’t mean we have to stop trying. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

The Patrick Heron Theory

 When people hear the word alien, they tend to think about green guys coming down to earth in a flying saucer. People don’t usually associate aliens with the bible, but maybe they should. The book “The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse” by Patrick Heron goes into depth about these “aliens”. 
After reading the bible avidly, Heron became super fixated and intrigued by the end of the world and began forming his own theories based on  information found in the Bible. In his book “The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse”, Heron suggests that the fallen angels mentioned in Genesis chapter 6 are aliens, but not in the traditional sense. He also lays out the blueprint for this theory in a short documentary found on YouTube titled the same as his book.  
His theory ties back to the great pyramid of Giza in Egypt. The original pyramid was covered with white shiny limestone and is built out of 2.3 million blocks of stone. The pyramid is also 42 stories tall and is argued to be the most perfectly aligned structure on the face of the earth. 
When talking about the final days in the Bible, Isaiah 19:19 says “In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the center of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD near her border”. Heron makes the argument that the great pyramid of Giza is what this prophecy is referring to. Heron supports this by explaining how the pyramid is both in the middle of Egypt and at the border at the same time. Ancient geography explains that at one-point Egypt was divided into two countries, lower and upper Egypt. It was at this time that the pyramid was located at the border of the two countries. When the two countries merged as one, the pyramid's location changed to now being in the center of Egypt. 
It has been said that the pyramid was used as a burial tomb for pharaohs, but Heron explains that no bodies have ever been found in any of the pyramids. Heron also argues that there is no possible way the pyramid could’ve been used as a burial tomb since there is no way to put a sarcophagus in it or remove one. 
Heron brings up the hieroglyphics found at the Edfu temple in upper Egypt. Heron argues that the people portrayed in these hieroglyphics were giants. Are these the angels that fell to earth with lucifer in Genesis chapter 6? Heron thinks they are. Heron refers to these angels as the Nephilim which translates to “to fall” or “the fallen ones” when traced back to its Hebrew origins. Heron emphasizes that these angels are always depicted as men and appear to be human. They eat, drink, and overall pass for a human based on their appearance. These angels aren’t human though, they are spirits 
Genesis chapter 6 talks about these fallen angels more in depth. The chapter says that this group of these fallen angels came to earth, married human women, and then produced offspring with them. Heron explains that these offspring were not all human, but instead they were giants who were filled with anger and hatred. These angels then overran the world with their violence 
and Heron emphasizes they did this for up to a thousand years until the great flood occurred. Heron then says God eventually decided enough was enough and decided he needed to wipe them out with Noah’s flood.  
Noah and his family survived the great flood, but what happened to the Nephilim? Humans can be drowned but spirits can’t, so what ever happened to them? Heron believes they are locked away in a prison that is referred to several times throughout the Bible as an abyss. 
Going back to the pyramid, Heron explains that experts argue that humans could not have physically built the great pyramid of Giza, not even with today’s modern technology. Everything from the location to the pure height and amount of precision is too correct and uniform. This once again reiterates his point of if humans could not have built this with today's technology, then who built this thousands of years ago? 
When talking about the Bible, 30% of it is prophetic meaning it foreshadows what is yet to happen. Heron explains that 85% of the prophecies have been fulfilled exactly the way the Bible predicted, and that the last 15% of the prophecies will be fulfilled just as accurately. In the book of Revelations, John explains a future city referred to as the new Jerusalem descending from heaven to the earth. After describing this city, John gives the dimensions of what it will be. John says it’s length, width and height are all the same. Heron argues that based on John's detailed description and dimensions it can be drawn that in today’s measurements this city would be 1,500 miles long, 1,500 miles high, and 1.500 miles wide. This size and measurements led people to believe that this new city will be in the shape of a cube. Heron however says it can also be a pyramid. 
To wrap this all up, Heron explains that the Nephilim built this pyramid as an earthy representation of where they came from after they fell from heaven. Heron also believes that the great pyramid of Giza is an earthy representation of this future new Jerusalem that is yet to come. This means that the pyramid is the fulfillment of the prophecy John talked about in Revelations. 
Heron provides an excellent theory backed with enough information to really make you question how these amazing structures got here. Maybe it’s time we reassess how we think of aliens.